The 9th BBBB Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences “Pharma sciences of tomorrow” is to be held on-site in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 15th to 17th September 2022, following COVID-secure guidelines to facilitate face-to-face networking and learning.
The 2022 BBBB Conference will feature focused panels in all areas of pharmaceutical sciences to establish an informative and successful BBBB Congress with the goal of bringing the community together and strengthening the BBBB scientific network.
The program consists of plenary and keynote lectures by well-known experts in various fields of pharmaceutical sciences, from all BBBB partners and the wider scientific community. There will also be ample opportunities for younger researchers to present their findings in the form of oral presentations and posters in an international setting. The conference will provide an opportunity for the exchange of scientific ideas between young and established scientists and professionals, as well as between people from academia, industry and regulatory authorities.
Deadline extension for important dates
Abstract submission deadline June 10th, 2022
Communication of accepted June 20th, 2022 abstracts
Early-bird registration June 30th, 2022
For more details please click on the picture below (pdf)
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