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Továbbképző közlemények
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[item title=”Dévay Attila: Gyógyszer-generációk, terápiás lehetőségek, kutatási-fejlesztési irányok – GYOGAI. 60. 67-75. 2016.”]
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Dévay, A.: Drug generations, new treatment options, research and development trends
The drug discovery and development unique way to integrate them into the (eg .: physics, chemistry, physics, chemistry, biology, microbiology, nanotechnology, genetics, biotechnology) scientific findings to promote the development of new, disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment of applicable procedures.
The biopharmacy plays an important role in drug discovery and unique way of thinking based on development of new drug generation. The right to access biopharmaceutical and therapeutic properties, the dissolution of an active ingredient, migration and regulating the absorption of the drug molecule was necessary to prepare a more thorough, more complex, programmable drug delivery systems to develop. So to get to the space, time, and the time and space controlled systems, the önszabályzós, automation products, and personalized therapy.
[item title=”Sütő Blanka, Berkó Szilvia, Csányi Erzsébet: Nanostrukturált lipid hordozó rendszerek alkalmazása a bőrön keresztüli hatóanyag-penetráció elősegítésére – GYOGAI. 60. 76-85. 2016.”]
1. Pardeike, J., Hommoss, A., Müller, R.H.: Int J Pharm 366(1–2), 170-184 (2009).
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Sütő B, Berkó Sz, Csányi E: Application of lipid carrier systems to increase the drug penetration through the skin
The aim of this work is to introduce lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) as potential drug delivery systems, regarding to their formulation and characterization. The second generation, nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) has been highlighted, as a novel drug delivery system suitable for dermal therapy, since these nanoparticles possess numerous advantages applied to the skin. The dermal use of NLC systems offers a number of advantages, such as physical stability of the applied topical formulations, enhancement of the chemical stability of the incorporated active pharmaceutical agents, improved dermal bioavailability, the skin targeting of the drugs, and film formation on the skin, accompanied by the in vivo controlled occlusion and skin hydration. The UV-reflecting properties (e.g. possible application of these carriers in sunscreens with the aim to increase their protective effect against UV light) and the possibility of the modulation of API release into the skin have also been reported.
Lipid nanoparticles avoid the disadvantages of other colloidal carriers and possess their advantages, such as the possibility of controlled drug release and drug targeting, increased drug stability, high drug payload, incorporation of both lipophilic and hydrophilic drugs, no biotoxicity of the carrier, avoidance of organic solvents and no problems with respect to large scale production and sterilization. Due to their numerous advantages, it can be concluded that NLCs are suitable drug delivery systems in the dermal therapy.
[item title=”Bocz Réka: A cisztás fibrózis és a gyógyszerész feladatai – GYOGAI 60. 87-89. 2016.”]
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Bocz, R.: Cystic fibrosis and the pharmacist’s role
Cystic fibrosis is a life limiting, multi systemic autosomal recessive genetic disorder which leads to production and accumulation of thick secretions in the lungs and digestive system. Treatment of cystic fibrosis aims to maintain lung function, improve nutritional status and manage long-term complications (e.g. cystic fibrosis related diabetes, osteoporosis). Pharmacist’s role includes identification of possible drug interactions, promotion of drug adherence, especially in case of antibiotic treatments, and providing information to patients and parents about important side-effects.
[item title=”Purget Tamás: Vitaminok, ásványi anyagok, nyomelemek és egyéb élettani hatással rendelkező anyagok alkalmazásának lehetősége a mozgásszervi betegségek visszaszorítása és az életminőség megőrzése, javítása céljából – GYOGAI 60. 90-95. 2016.”]
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Purget T.: Possibility of application of vitamin, minerals, trace elements and other substances with physiological effect in the suppression of musculoskeletal diseases and in the conservation and improvement of the quality of life
The incidence of musculoskeletal system related pain in Hungary is considerably above the EU average. This article provides an overview of the possible uses and benefits of vitamins, minerals and other substances in the prevention and the treatment of joint related pain and osteoporosis. Several medicinal products used in the treatment of osteoporosis and arthrosis contain vitamins, minerals and other substances such as vitamin D, calcium, glucosamine and chondroitin-sulphate. Because the association between these active ingredients and musculoskeletal health is well established, they are also commonly used both in food supplements and in foods for special medicinal purposes. Due to the possibility that these substances appear of in multiple product categories, information provided by the pharmacist to the patient should be based not only on the identity of the active substances but also on the product category.
Növényi szerek helye a mai gyógyszerkincsben
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[item title=”Rédei Dóra: Természetes eredetű gyógyszer-hatóanyagok és forrásaik – Galanthus nivalis – galantamin – GYOGAI 60. 101-102. 2016.”]
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Rédei, D.: Galanthus nivalis – galanthamine
Aktuális oldalak
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Péter H. Mária 80 éves – Ünnepi rendezvények a Marosvásárhelyi Orvosi és Gyógyszerészeti Egyetemen – Hírek Szegedről – In memoriam
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Dévay Attila: Gyógyszer-generációk, terápiás lehetőségek, kutatási-fejlesztési irányok